Armitage Hux was born in 0 BBY and died in 35 ABY.
Armitage Hux served as a general in the military forces of the First Order during the New Republic Era. With the support of Supreme Leader Snoke, Hux took command of Starkiller Base and promoted the development of new technology that allowed the First Order fleet to track targets through hyperspace. However, Snoke's death ruined the young general's career trajectory, as did the years that Hux spent jockeying for power against his rival Kylo Ren, who seized control of the First Order as the new Supreme Leader.
You can see Armitage Hux in:
- Star Wars Resistance, 34 ABY (34 years old)
- Episode VII: The Force Awakens, 34 ABY (34 years old)
- Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, 34 ABY (34 years old)
- Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, 35 ABY (35 years old)